Tuesday, 7 July 2015

The path to self-discovery, natural treatment and finding ME! My tips!

Remember I am not a Dr. and do not make diagnosis...it is all that I did and tried and experiment with till it was perfect for myself. Believe me and I learn every day more and add and take away bits and pieces. No harm in trying or maybe through my tips you find something else that will work for you. Don't forget to share with me!:)

Just an opinion: I do not care about people that say you cannot believe everything you read on the Internet. Not like huge Dr.'s research is photo-shopped! :) Chat less on "what's up" and sms and stop living in other people's lives. Use the time in front of a screan for your own benefit...gain knowledge. So far I came across loads of information that changed my life around 360°. Yes, there is silly advice, but so far the natural ways was the correct information and an evolution and stunning new research. That is why I cannot trust 95% of Dr.'s...they just cash in and every day run through 10minute consultations and do not make time for keeping up with the research and even if they know what they do is harmful...they will never change, cause it will drop their bank balance and maybe not have that 5 star hotel holiday for free from the medical company and it is easy way out, to just let their patients pop a pill. I can just not believe that you are 50+ years old you can still remember all of your 7/9 years of medical studies and think out of the box when it comes to diagnosis...the one's you do not give to everybody. We are all so unique!

1. Accept your past. Realize you have a problem. Write your issues down on a paper. What about yourself bothers you and makes you unhappy and angry and cause you to live life so disastrous? Make yourself aware of them, even if it is so hard to call yourself "that". Do not judge yourself and beat yourself up every day about it. Do not feel ashamed or guilty. If you do not be an open book to everybody that cross your path...only you know and nobody can judge. Put your "normal “mask on...even if it is so hard in the beginning...soon you will just be your happy self.

2. Talk to a professional (that never mention tablets or drugs) and pack pandora's box out, even if it is so hard and hurts like hell to live all of it over again. Even if some stuff was such a secret only you kept. Some stuff is embarrassing, but she/he will not judge.  You have to hear yourself talk about it. Do not give up! I talked 5 years 2 times a week to a professional and got many times so angry...it does not work!!??...she/he, if they are good will let you to the answers without giving it to you straight. Get "there" the hard way let you really WORK through it all at the end. Some stuff came up that was somewhere so deep hidden, but had such a destroying effect unknowingly. You can never wipe out the pass or just deal with it, but you GET THE CONTROLE OVER IT...when to ignore it and when to kill the thought or to push it out of your conversations....it is a long process and some days you get it right an some days you just bla-bla-bla "past". I try now to do not put myself in a situation where you have to spend hours talking. Either do something fun with your friends, play boardgames, baking...do not sit until conversation dry up and if the silences gets you all nervous and then put yourself on the spotlight and bla-bla-bla. Try to always ask questions and react just on that and let the other person talk and not you. Really listen and control your breathing and really use your senses. This is still all new to me and I only got to this discovery and feel ready to work on it now. It is like trying to break a big truck down a steep downheal!!!

3. Get rid of lifelong diagnosis, chemical drugs and "personality tickets" around your neck. Just read this today! This is what I thought! "ILLNESS, INCLUDING MENTAL ILLNESS, IS NOT CAUSED BY DRUG DIFICIENCY. BUT MUCH ILLNESS, ESPECIALLY MENTAL ILLNESS, MAY BE SEEN TO BE CAUSED BY VITAMINE DEPENDENCY!" Dr. Abram Hoffer.
Like I said so many times. Do not start all these drugs for depression and insomnia. Not one single Dr. will tell you about the side-effects and the HELL you are going through to come of it and that it absolutely leave you at point A before you have started it. So many years waisted where you could have been completely conscious to tackle the problems head on. Just a Band Aid and under all is written and supper deep scars. If you are on these meds. Please wean off slowly and PUSH THROUGH! Tell your family, children and a very close friend that you are weaning off and let them know how you might feel and react. You need this support to get through it and try to stay busy, even if you want to vomit all the time and your brain is shorting in and out and feels like your head is squashed between 2 tight ironings...getting tighter every minute and have all these flashing thoughts and not be able to concentrate. I can promise you, you can do it if I could. NO DRUG IS STRONGER AS YOUR WILL POWER AND YOU CAN FIX THE HARM DONE BY IT IN TIME! in my opinion. I get my power from the fact that I will show the Dr.'s they were wrong and their treatment was a sick joke and I was just a file nr. I am in control of my own health and mental status and they will not getting richer on my "craziness".

4. Cut out food allergies (ImuPro300 blood Test), cane sugar and all hidden sugars, additives and preservatives, chemicals in cosmetics and house cleaning products, table salt, caffeine...it completely tired my Adrenal Glands. WE ARE WHET WE EAT!

5. De-clutter! So many stuff/people has a huge effect on our lives. All the stuff/people does not make us happy. It just have us excited and euphoric for a few minutes. De-clutter your house, your cupboards, your paperwork, your contacts, your friends and your "friends". Anything not useful, beautiful, all in one piece, functional and needed every month...OUT! People just contacts that keep you busy on e-mails and what's ups ext. and they do not add any value to your life...OUT! You will soon see how this helps you to priorities your life better, how much more you get done, time for yourself, happy family time, exciting love life, being mindful or meditate easily, getting rid of nagging little illnesses and pains and aches, cook amazing meals ext.

6. Emotional Freedom Technique! Tapping! That is a life saver every time. Do not worried about getting the verbal part perfect...just tap!!!! It will come soon! Mindfulness is going hand in hand with it. I read: "Coming to our senses" by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

7. SLEEP!!! That will come naturally as soon as you gain knowledge about SLEEP and your biological clock. ALL humans have the SAME born with biological clock. No matter where you from and what your culture. We ALL need to sleep in order to be healthy and for Human Growth Hormone to kick in while we sleep. That is sleep at night and not the whole day! I get upset with people that moan about their health and so many issues and they do not switch off the TV's, iPads and phones! I sleep 9-10 hours a night...even on holidays and weekends, cause I hate to miss out on FUN! The next day!

8. Priorities your daily life. That was the hardest thing to get done. Drove Claude and Isabella up the walls. Still wash the house at what time of the night and started a million things at the same time and could not rest until all is perfectly done and was maniac about everything and took way too long on the less important things for that day and moment. That way never had time for myself and be a calm mother and ZEN/sexy wife. Everybody had to move when mom was on the move!:) I tried so many ways. I bought a big white board and put it in the kitchen. I also have a small diary book in my hand bag and for the time we travel. Mark every Saturday-evening the new week days, dates and all the activities and appointments in different colors for the whole family. I write every night the list to do's for the next day for everybody. As I do them, I write them under the day and put a red line through it on the list. Congratulate myself or Isabella and feel proud! That way the whole family know what is the plan for the week and what is everybody up to and to respect each other's time of working, playing, exercise, me-time and just coach potato(without feeling guilty:)

9. Exercise. There is a huge evolution in the way we exercise and it is amazing and I love to see that it do me really good physically and mentally. Less time, but kick ass for real and you work hard and see the changes for real. HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training)! Is just so hard, but it is magic! Please be careful for weird boot camp exercises...we are not all muscular 20-something boys in the army and able to do those military exercises....even if it looks super exciting and fun! Girls get into weight training! It is amazing to see how much weight I can lift or push and it do not let me bulk up or being less feminine. More muscle, less fat. I love to read up on www.bodybuilding.com and www.bengreenfield.com

10. Train/Exercise and Eat according to your HORMONAL TIMING!  Please read up about this! This I write and plan it weekly on my white board in the kitchen and that way I stay motivated and see what I do and did not do and my whole family know where mom with the hormones is. What kind of training I should do at what time of the month and already I have less aches and pains. It is important not to hurt yourself. The same with the men. "Irritable Male Syndrome". You do not have to suffer with up and down's of hormones. There is then less irritation and fights. HORMONES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO RULE YOUR WORLD...YOU BE PREPARED AND FIGHT/ CONTROL/RESPECT THEM! First month I tried this and made my life much more positive and easier and I see new results in my exercise routine.

11. Correct vitamins, supplements and protein supplements. Face it! Today's food is not really filled up with all the essential vitamins. This is a lengthy subject and we all have different deficiencies. This is a very dangerous subject as well, because there is so many sharks out there that wants to sell the "wonder pill". We all want to feel good and full of energy, but be careful what product you buy and most of these supplements are full of sugars and weird ingredients that will do you more harm than good. Make sure you read up about the supplement values/dose for you. The RDA is not always correct. Read up about Protein and how much you need per meal and day. That will help already for you to gain lean muscle and have less flobby fat. Read up about BCAA and other supplements when you train. As we get older...some of the vitamins and antioxidants fade away or are not "made" by your body and you need to supplement. So far I supplement lots of illness to something of the past. Vit. D3 and K2 is the new comers since 2013 and it is amazing! Please there is more than just Vit. C and B! Read up! Under this nr. I will put Live Probiotics. It had major effect on my mental behavior and overall health since I upped the dose. I am still busy reading up about this amazing subject and will share with you some points as soon as I have more info. This is where the gut and brain connection comes in. I made a file with all the benefits of supplements and essential oils and natural remedies. Always just add as I read more.

12. Holistic Dentist: Remember your teeth is where everything starts in your body...this is where you work through of what you eat. Be careful for loads of fluoride and mercury and many unnecessary fillings and pulpectomies and root canals ext.

13. Essential oils: I treat almost every illness or pain and ache with excellent quality essential oils. I made a card system on a key-ring holder of every health issue or illness I can think of and list all natural treatments in it. Always in my handbag and a small bag for an emergency kit. Natural remedies and herbs takes a bit longer than the chemical stuff, but it works and with no side-effects and always treats the cause. But do not try to treat yourself with these natural remedies if you still use ANY chemicals...these drugs are always stronger than the natural remedies...they are KILLERS!

14. WATER! This is very important. I struggle to drink enough water. Still working on this matter. Started to set an alarm on my phone to remind me to drink water. Not stressed and pressured yet with the correct amount for my body. Just try to set a abit and drink more than before at least.

It was a huge pleasure to share all this with YOU! A lot of information. Remember I did not change all and got it all right in 1 day. This is hard work since Oct. 2013. Step by step! There is still so much to learn and change and do! That makes my life worth living for. Forget about the past or dealt with it and don't get sad that I only got to live my LIFE at an older age...better NOW than never and just to know I can teach Isabella so much and prevent "scars" and protect her from missed diagnosis and teach her how to take control of her own health.

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